Your Story

Your Story

Your Story Does Not Need 100% Proof to be Shared!

Many errors cannot be proven even though the evidence shows it more likely than not the cause of irreparable harm or death. Most Doctors hide their errors as was the case with Dr. Anton Bilchik. Share the story anyway, share what you suspect, name names. Let the reader decide what to believe.

Posting Guidelines

  1. Post medical doctors only, no nurses, hospitals, or other medical related persons or entities.
  2. You can post your story using an alias name but the Doctor’s name must be real.
  3. Only one posting per incident. You cannot have family and friends post the same incident under different names.
  4. For now, we are only posting Doctor (MD) medical errors, hospital and auxiliary professionals generally work under the Doctors control so we are focusing directly on the Doctor.
  5. You must share only facts and supposed facts about the incident, any opinions and commentaries on how wonderful a Doctor is or how terrible his bedside manner will be removed. This site is factual or supposedly factual and is not meant to be a review site.
  6. You can remove your posting anytime, there will be a record of the posting removed under the name
  7. We will remove your posting if we feel it to be fabricated to purposefully harm someone’s reputation
  8. Your information will remain private, we will not share it with anyone, we do not store IP addresses

Posting is easy, just answer the questions to the best of your ability; facts do not need to be accurate, just as long as the gist of it is understandable.

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