Name: Nami L
Doctor: Katarina Vlachos MD
Location: Marina del Rey, CA
Type of Mistake: misdiagnosis
Did Doctor Admit Mistake? yes
Result of Mistake: Wasted time and money
I saw her because I had pain in my hip which radiated down my left leg. She sent me for an MRI of the lower back. After which she said I had Bursitis and gave me multiple shots in the hip over the next several month for which I had to pay about $500 each in cash. Because it didn't help much, I went to see another specialist in Pasadena who had asked to review the MRI Dr. Vlachos had ordered. After reviewing it he looked incredulously at me and said "HOW COULD SHE HAVE MISSED THIS?" He was referring to the image which clearly showed the problem in my lower spine, not Bursitis in the hip at all! No wonder the shots didn't work! Did she NOT even review the image she had ordered, did she not know what she was looking at OR, did she ignore what she saw so she can make money off me instead of sending me to a back doctor? Maybe ALL of the above. Dr. Vlachos, if you're reading this, you owe me an apology and refund!